pick your battles

I am going to be super honest with you. I mean, that’s the point right?

I told my roommate tonight that I was going to write. She asked what I wanted to write about and I told her “the struggle.” As I began to write, I closed my laptop due to writer’s block and a puppy that was fighting for my attention. I decided to come back to it later after I put the puppy to bed–such a dog mom. A little while later,  I decided to do a Bible study that I have been putting off for a few days and wouldn’t you know–my study was called “THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.” I am not making this up, yall.

A couple of months ago, I chose to begin my days in the word. That extra 30 minutes of sleep is great-I mean real great but no matter what time I wake up, I am still going to be tired. Am I right? And there is something just so filling about a morning spent in your write the word journal.

After a  consistent week in the word, I began to question a lot of things and freaking out a bit–(I tend to freak out A LOT.) Life was getting harder than it was before. You know the mornings when I chose sleeping in.  It almost seemed like I was fighting a constant battle that I was NEVER going to win.

Um, hello God–ya there? Where ya at? 

My weeks were filled with a combination of things; discouragement, worry, anxiety, exhaustion, heartbreak, distance from friends, stress at work, and zero patience,. Some battles felt bigger than others, but in the end–they were still my battles.

See, I think this is where we tend to get lost and confused. These things make it so easy to give up and quit.

But, don’t.

The Bible tells us that the battle used to be against God. But now as believers the battle is FOR God.

These seasons and challenges were made so that we could lean in close to God, and rely on Him. We need God and these battles are there to remind us of that. Consider these opportunities to rely on God instead of times to rely on ourselves. Because I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck cannot fix my problems. Been there and done that and I may have made the mess worse instead of actually cleaning it up–oops!

The glory of God is our ultimate hope.

If we place our hope in God–we will not be disappointed. He is our peace. We have been saved and reconciled by Him.

So whatever season it is you are going through, remember that you have victory in the cross. You are not alone. We all have battles that we are trying to fight. Don’t get tired and give up. Fight your battle for the Lord and remember that your weapons and supplies that you need to win this fight are found in Him alone.

My days and weeks are still hard. I still have battles and I am still in the same seasons. The important thing is that I chose to fight my battles differently than I did before. When you surrender each day to the Lord–you’ll feel a huge load being taken off your shoulders. I think that’s the point of all of this–He wants me to fully rely on Him– and well, He’s got it.

Don’t give up– no matter how real the struggle is.

Isaiah 41:10 says “fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”




4 thoughts on “pick your battles

  1. I love, love, love this post. Last week was one of those “attack” weeks for me and the enemy was coming in all directions! I am so glad I found your blog and wonderful wise words!


  2. I love this! The enemy has REALLY been using the stress of school, me feeling “behind” the others my age, living back at home after being on my own, and making huge life decisions to try and steal my joy! I have literally been driving in the car and just start crying thinking about all of this. But as soon as I committed myself to really diving into His word I have seen my joy slowly coming back and peace that passes all understanding take over all of that stress❤️


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