take it from me, you are already amazing

Sisters, I want you to close your eyes and think back to your last meltdown?

Got it?

Mine was last week and it was over something incredibly silly.

At that moment, I felt like the world stopped and the room was caving in. SO EMBARRASSING. Wanna know why? Because I was in a public place.. in a stairwell to be exact. Did that stop the tears? Nope. They just kept on coming. I was the girl UGLY crying on the stairs in front of so many people.


I have talked to many girls who often feel discouraged of who they are and where they are going. They are scared to step out and serve the Lord because this world that we live in is scary. People are so quick to screenshot and laugh or talk about you behind your back.

And as soon as you begin to change your life for the better, you friend circle gets smaller and you slowly feel like you are forgotten.

These events cause meltdowns. We begin to feel much less than amazing. But you are. You are so amazing. Just because you are YOU.

Or maybe you are the girl that feels like a mess and leaves a mess whenever she leaves.

I think at times we forget that we are human beings–very messy human beings. We make every wrong decision before we are left with the right one. We are often left with messes that we have no choice but to clean up by ourselves. We cry until there are no more tears to cry. Thank goodness that they run out after a while.

The good news is that it’s okay.

We often live through situations that leave us feeling discouraged. Like we can’t possibly continue on the path that we are on. We want to quit.

For example, for some time I have felt led to lead a Bible study for college and high school girls. I was scared to make it known because, what if no one responded on social media? Everyone would know that I failed.

Well, I wrote the post and I posted it on Instagram and Facebook. I want you to guess how many girls took the bait..


At that time, I wanted to delete the posts, delete my account and run into my closet and hide. That is pretty embarrassing, right?

Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t do those things BECAUSE…a few days later I took some time to pray about it. I was pretty angry and I questioned the Lord, because after all I was trying to be obedient here. In my conversation with God, I asked him to make it clear to me. I wasn’t sure if this was an actual calling or if maybe this was just something that I wanted to do and wanted it to be a calling. I asked him to slap me in the face with His answer.

That day, 15 girls signed up. FIFTEEN. Yep, he made it clear.

I now have 21 girls that have eagerly signed up to join the community. God is GOOD.

However, if I could go back in time–I would hit myself with some truth because the truth is that it’s not about the numbers. Why did I feel so discouraged when one girl signed up. That’s one girl in this town that I could help. That should be encouraging to keep on.

I would also pick that little mess of a girl up off of the stairs, hug her and tell she’s going to be okay. That girl has some pretty incredible friends that love her and a Lord that died on the cross so that she could be united in heaven with Him one day.

My point here is that we all face battles of different kinds. Instead of quitting or letting defeat knock you down, let’s scoot up closer to our Lord and let Him whisper to us that it’s going to be okay. You’re already amazing. Embrace that.

The Lord may end your subscription to old friend circles, you may cry some ugly tears, or maybe you’ll pitch a fit and ask God to slap you in the face–discouragement gets the best of us sometimes.

Discouragement can be ugly but leaning into God and obeying is beautiful.

This Sunday night I will be choosing one lucky girl to receive her own copy of You’re Already Amazing by Holley Gerth. This book is a must read for any girl of any age. Make sure you leave a comment  below to enter this giveaway! Merry Christmas and remember that you are SO LOVED.


31 thoughts on “take it from me, you are already amazing

  1. Wow! Thank you for reminding me of this amazing truth! After facing some difficult things at the beginning of this break, I began to doubt myself and the progress I have made. Thank you for being the voice of reason, and reminding me of WHY I need to keep going ❤


  2. I LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing such beautiful truth girl. It’s okay to be messy – because I think like you said, God likes to show up the most in the middle of our mess! He’s got this, NOT us. Love it! Gonna go look up that book now! ❤️


  3. Love this! This is an accurate discription of life nowadays. And I am in the same boat as you with trying to lead a bible study for girls in my job. It’s tough at times but so rewarding even if ONE girl shows up. The lords love for that ONE girl is huge and immeasurable. I love this and you!! 💛


  4. I felt that this phrase “you’re already amazing” powerful because in hard times it can be difficult and cause feelings of being defeated. Thank you for sharing.


  5. I can so resonate with you on many levels. I feel ya girl, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart. Messy is my middle name 😜 I’m so thankful that He takes my mess and makes it His masterpiece. ❤️


  6. Hey girl!! Clicked through your post in the Sisterhood and wow! I so needed this reminder after the last couple of weeks I’ve had. And I’ve never heard of this book but I looked into it and it looks so grest! It’s definitely on my To Read List now!!


  7. Thank you for sharing this. With what mom an I have been going through this really hit home. I felt like God lead you to write that just for me, I hope that doesn’t sound selfish. I appreciate this post an you more then you’ll ever understand, thanks so much😘


  8. Allie, I love this! You’re speaking right into my heart. I feel discouraged to post this kind of stuff on social media and my blog ALL THE TIME even though I have all of the words swirling in my head. Tbh The Sisterhood is making me want to get my blog back on track and really take it seriously. You’ve encouraged me not to be afraid of no one responding or liking it… Gosh, I think the bio on my blog even says, “if something I write inspires just one person, it will all be worth it.” That’s so, so true, just like your one sweet girl before the wave of 15. Can’t wait to read more of your blog❤


  9. Your obedience to the Lords call on this season of your life is inspiring! Jesus gives us a reminder in Matthew 17:20, that breathes life into His call for your ministry, even if only ONE girl signed up: “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain “move from here to there” and it will move. NOTHING will be impossible for you.” I pray God will have His hand over you as you lead these girls into an intimate relationship with Him!


  10. Found this through Sisterhood and let me tell you.. I needed this! Such encouraging words when i needed them. I sometimes feel discouraged when I see myself losing friends or have a melt down and have to remember whose I am. Thank you!!! ❤️


  11. Wow. Just wow. This is what I needed to hear. Your words gave me so much strength and courage tonight. Your blog in general is amazing. I saw your post in the Sisterhood and I clicked on it and read through almost every one of your entries. You are such an amazing writer and God is using you in so many ways to help your readers. Thank you for putting these words out there and catching my attention tonight, because those were the words that I have been needing to hear!
    Keep smiling!!


  12. Allie, such a beautiful reminder of how God sees us❣It is easy to forget because this world we live in is not always encouraging
    Great job young lady – keep sharing😉


  13. Thank you so much for this!! It was something I really needed to hear! There have been so many times where I just want to fit in with the crowd and don’t want to stand out by sharing something about God. In needed this reminder to be myself. Thank you!


  14. My goodness- I feel like you were talking right to me with this post! I constantly feel like I’m a hot mess but I’m slowly learning to be okay with that and realizing that just because I think it doesn’t mean it’s actually true. Thanks for posting this!


  15. Oh my stars Allie 💕 I literally had this SAME experience with the sisterhood! I was feeling really compelled to head up a smaller bible study within the larger community and I too had ONE GIRL. I let the enemy attack me with it, questioning my leadership and validity and maybe this was God’s way of saying I shouldn’t do this. So I prayed, I surrendered, I let go of my pride, and now we have a group of about 8 young women, all of engaged or nearing engagement, sharing in the Word and our season of life heading towards Godly marriages together. Thank you for this, because I’ve been there too. Praise God we’re not alone in our feelings of inadequacies, and praise Him MORE that He doesn’t leave us there!! 🙌🏼


  16. Love, love, love. Such a good reminder in a world that is so focused on numbers. Sometimes I have to remind myself that Jesus would have still died for me on the cross if I was the only person to ever walk this planet. If he was willing to do that for me then what shouldn’t I be willing to do for just one? Merry Christmas sweet friend!


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